
New Feature: Invoice Verification

We are pleased to announce that our new feature is being tested successfully and will be launched very soon in our commercial version.Now we are able to integrate wholesaler’s invoice with our software and prepare Order Compliance Report.

Mission Accomplished; Test is successful

We are pleased to announce that after about one year test of our software platform in a pharmacy in Toronto, today we have passed our phase 1 test and signed our agreement to go to 2nd pharmacy to test the

Main Technology Behind Expentory

Projections: Expentory learns through time and project your inventory needs. It will suggest trading patterns accordingly. Auto bidding: The system automatically detects supplies close to expiry date and trade them accordingly where the demand exists. Communication: Expentory’s inner communication system

What is LOT number?

Lot numbers identify particular quantities or lots of material from a single manufacturer. Lot numbers are usually found on the outside of the packaging. Manufacturers assign batch numbers to identify a batch of a particular medication. Lot numbers allow a

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